Simple Dose


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Medpack was a leader in the healthcare industry, providing innovative packaging solutions for medications. However, the company struggled with a confusing, bland, and undifferentiated brand image. The name "Medpack" had connotations that did not fully communicate the value of the business or the brand. To better reflect its mission and values, the company decided to undertake a comprehensive rebranding effort and later to re-emerge as Simple Dose.

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The research uncovered that customers appreciated the company's focus on simplicity and ease of use, and desired a brand that mirrored these qualities. Furthermore, the research revealed that Medpack's packaging solutions offered significant safety benefits compared to traditional Webster packs, which further strengthened the brand's competitive footing.


It was clear that customers and stakeholders were looking for a brand that prioritised both safety and convenience in medication packaging solutions.This insight served as the foundation for Simple Dose's brand positioning, which was centered around the twin pillars of safety and convenience. Through this positioning, the Simple Dose brand was born and became the symbol of the company's commitment to providing its customers with easy to handle, safe, and user-friendly medication management.

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They were highly engaged in creating something that they could be equally proud of — they were invested in the success of the brand we were trying to create. I was fascinated by their positioning around conversion-centered designs and since our rebrand with CUT THRU our CTR improved 127% and our cost per click became 61.9% cheaper.

Andrew Hay

CEO | Simple Dose